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October 26, 2021
Welcome to My Locals Community!

Patriots, welcome to my Locals community!

I'm thrilled to finally share Rumble's major partnership with Locals as part of the ongoing effort to CANCEL cancel culture and defeat big tech censorship.

I'll be giving you exclusive behind-the-scenes access to my personal life on Locals as well as content I won't be posting anywhere else. Consider it the "Dan Bongino Reality Show" if you will! I am so grateful for every single one of you and all of your support.

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Cool shot of me and the boss 🇺🇸
December 23, 2023
Where’s Waldo?
November 25, 2023
Adopt us!

Today is April 24th, and Joe Biden is the WORST president in US history.

Covid was just a warmup for what’s coming next.
We CANNOT lose this election.
Don’t miss my show today on Rumble at 11a for the story.
Watch here. 👇🏻

Today is April 23rd, and Joe Biden is the WORST president in US history.

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