The police state is already here.
Think about it:
-Corrupt prosecutors, working with the corrupt White House, fabricate charges and jail their political opponents, while scum, media losers celebrate the tyranny.
-Libs, and their boot-licking, shit-for brains, media sycophants openly plot and brag about stealing elections while threatening violence if they lose.
-The most corrupt President in US history has multiple business partners testify under oath that he is a cesspool of corruption, who has sold the country out to nuclear powered enemies, and the scum media runs the prevent-defense for him.
-The corrupt, broken court system provides an avenue for the left to steal money from their political opponents, while major cable news channels are pressured to run on-air fact checks and disclaimers anytime President Trump speaks. All while democrats openly, proudly, and energetically lie on television every time their lips are moving.
The police state is here. Right now.