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April 25, 2024

Almighty and righteous God,

In a world ensnared by the trappings of power and privilege,
We come before You with hearts ablaze,
Yearning to be the disruption to the ruling class,
As Jesus and His disciples were in days of old.

Grant us, O Lord, the courage to challenge injustice,
And the boldness to speak truth to power,
As we strive to dismantle systems of oppression,
And usher in Your kingdom of equality and love.

Fill us with the fire of Your Holy Spirit,
Igniting within us a passion for justice and righteousness,
And emboldening us to stand with the marginalized and oppressed,
In solidarity with our Savior who came to set the captives free.

May we be like Jesus, turning over the tables of injustice,
And confronting those who exploit the vulnerable,
With a fierce love that knows no bounds,
And a relentless pursuit of righteousness.

Empower us, O God, to be agents of change,
Disrupting the status quo with acts of mercy and compassion,
And challenging the powers and principalities of this world,
With the transformative power of Your grace.

May we follow in the footsteps of Jesus and His disciples,
Fearlessly proclaiming Your gospel of liberation and hope,
And embodying Your call to love our neighbors as ourselves,
Regardless of race, class, or social standing.

Give us the wisdom to discern Your will,
And the strength to carry out Your purposes,
Even in the face of opposition and persecution,
For we know that You are with us always, guiding and sustaining us.

In Your holy name, we pray,

Amen 🙏

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