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Today is July 3rd, and Joe Biden is the WORST president in US history.

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Joe Briben has three insurmountable problems going forward:

1) His neurological issue is serious and he will deteriorate exponentially. His “best” day will always be a series of yesterdays. However bad you think he performed at the debate, he’ll perform far worse next time, if there is a next time.
2) Briben isn’t good at anything. There’s no event, rally, grip-and-grin, stadium event, or meet-and-greet he can do without saying something stupid, telling a series of already debunked fairytales, or falling and tripping over himself. He has no way to stop the collapse, and everyone around him knows it.
3) The regime media has turned on him, and there’s no easy way to walk it back if he stays in the race. They didn’t turn on him to do actual journalism, they turned on him to protect liberalism and their deep-state patrons because they see no path to power through Briben.

None of these issues are fixable. It will only get worse. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Today is July 6th, and Joe Biden is the WORST president in US history.

Today is July 5th, and Joe Biden is the WORST president in US history.

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