Politics • Culture
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September 15, 2024

Looks like it was an OTR (off the record) movement for President Trump.
Security is handled differently for OTR movements, and this policy may have to change moving forward.
The Secret Service loses any element of surprise with an OTR movement with President Trump because he’s so recognizable, and his in-town schedule can be predictable.
Working with my contacts now to get out accurate information. I will provide a thorough update on my show tomorrow. And more on X and Truth tonight as I get it.

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SEC football tailgates are the best!
Cool shot of me and the boss 🇺🇸
December 23, 2023
Where’s Waldo?

Institutions and organizations smart people don’t trust anymore:
-The media
-the FBI
-the DOJ
-the IRS
-COVID scientists
-medical associations
-scientific associations & journals
-bond rating agencies
-environmental scientists
-woke corporate America
-teacher’s unions…
Feel free to add to this growing list.

Today is September 18th, and Kamala Harris is the WORST Vice President in US history.

September 17, 2024

You’re wasting your time even discussing political violence with the libs and the media.
They see political violence as a useful tool, to be used to reach specific ends. They have no objective emergency brake on their behavior, and they don’t care about looking like hypocrites on the matter.
They’ll lie, cheat and steal to avoid a reckoning with the truth - they are a movement bathed in force, censorship and violence. Fact.

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