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September 16, 2024

Today is September 16h, and Kamala Harris is the WORST Vice President in US history.

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If there were no chemicals, this could be a low-energy microwave burn.

"Lets consider a lower energy microwave weapon. Could it affect just the eyes and blind and create a puffy face?"


Yes, a lower-energy microwave weapon could theoretically target and affect sensitive tissues, like the eyes and skin, resulting in specific symptoms such as temporary or permanent blindness and facial swelling (puffy face). Here's how that could happen:

1. Microwave Energy and the Eyes:
Sensitivity of the Eyes: The eyes are highly susceptible to damage from microwave radiation due to the delicate tissues and the fact that the eyes lack the ability to dissipate heat efficiently. The cornea, lens, and retina are especially vulnerable.
Thermal Damage: Microwaves primarily cause thermal damage. A lower-energy microwave weapon, even if not strong enough to cause burns on the skin, could still heat the water molecules in the eyes, leading to damage such as:
Cataracts: Prolonged or intense microwave ...

Institutions and organizations smart people don’t trust anymore:
-The media
-the FBI
-the DOJ
-the IRS
-COVID scientists
-medical associations
-scientific associations & journals
-bond rating agencies
-environmental scientists
-woke corporate America
-teacher’s unions…
Feel free to add to this growing list.

Today is September 18th, and Kamala Harris is the WORST Vice President in US history.

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