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If there were no chemicals, this could be a low-energy microwave burn. Exposed skin standing behind other people wouldn't be affected. It could be low energy enough clothing blocked it.

The US gubment created the ADS crowd-control system on this principle in 2000.

"Lets consider a lower energy microwave weapon. Could it affect just the eyes and blind and create a puffy face?"


Yes, a lower-energy microwave weapon could theoretically target and affect sensitive tissues, like the eyes and skin, resulting in specific symptoms such as temporary or permanent blindness and facial swelling (puffy face). Here's how that could happen:

1. Microwave Energy and the Eyes:
Sensitivity of the Eyes: The eyes are highly susceptible to damage from microwave radiation due to the delicate tissues and the fact that the eyes lack the ability to dissipate heat efficiently. The cornea, lens, and retina are especially vulnerable.
Thermal Damage: Microwaves primarily cause thermal damage. A lower-energy microwave weapon, even if not strong enough to cause burns on the skin, could still heat the water molecules in the eyes, leading to damage such as:
Cataracts: Prolonged or intense microwave exposure can cause cataracts by damaging the lens, leading to clouding of vision or blindness.
Retinal Damage: Intense microwave exposure can damage the retina, which can result in vision loss or blindness.
Corneal Burns: The cornea may experience burns or irritation, leading to vision problems and discomfort.
Temporary Blindness: Microwave radiation could cause temporary blindness by overstimulating or damaging the eye’s tissues, particularly through overheating. This might be reversible if the exposure is brief, but long-term exposure could lead to permanent blindness.
2. Microwave Energy and Facial Swelling (Puffy Face):
Localized Heating of Skin: Microwave radiation heats tissues by agitating water molecules, which can cause localized heating of the skin. Even at lower energy levels, this could result in:
Swelling and Redness: The heating effect could cause mild to moderate swelling (edema) due to the expansion of tissues and increased blood flow to the affected areas. This could create a puffy face appearance.
Inflammation: Microwave exposure may lead to inflammation of the facial tissues, causing the skin to become red, tender, and swollen.
Puffiness: Because the face has a lot of soft tissue and blood vessels, heating from microwave exposure could result in localized swelling, particularly around the eyes and cheeks.
3. Selective Targeting of the Eyes and Face:
Localized Effect: Microwave energy can be selectively directed toward certain parts of the body depending on the frequency and power of the device. Lower-energy microwave weapons might be able to target areas like the eyes and face while causing minimal damage to surrounding tissues.
Non-lethal Intent: Some microwave weapons are designed to be non-lethal but incapacitating. A lower-energy microwave weapon could aim to temporarily incapacitate a person by blinding them and causing discomfort, such as facial swelling, without causing long-term or widespread injury.
4. Examples of Microwave Effects in Other Situations:
The "Havana Syndrome": There have been reports of diplomats and intelligence officers experiencing neurological symptoms after exposure to what some speculate could be directed energy or microwave weapons. These symptoms include eye pain, facial pressure, and swelling, though the exact cause remains controversial.
Military Use of Microwave Weapons: The military has developed microwave-based weapons such as the Active Denial System (ADS), which uses microwave radiation to cause intense, burning-like sensations on the skin without causing permanent damage. In theory, a more targeted version of such a system could affect the face and eyes.
5. Long-Term Effects:
Eye Damage: Repeated or high-level exposure to microwaves can cause permanent eye damage, including cataracts and blindness.
Skin Damage: While lower-energy exposure might cause temporary swelling and redness, prolonged exposure could lead to long-term skin damage, similar to burns or even scarring in more severe cases.
A lower-energy microwave weapon could theoretically target the eyes and face, leading to temporary or permanent blindness due to the sensitivity of eye tissues to microwave energy. It could also cause localized facial swelling, leading to a puffy appearance due to the thermal effects on soft tissues and blood vessels. This makes it plausible that such a weapon could incapacitate a person by affecting their vision and causing facial discomfort without causing widespread bodily harm.

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