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This is the only way to deal with communist media hacks hiding behind BS.
Don’t miss my show on Rumble at 11a ET for the story.
Watch here. 👇🏻

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SEC football tailgates are the best!
Cool shot of me and the boss 🇺🇸
December 23, 2023
Where’s Waldo?

Today is September 19th, and Kamala Harris is the WORST Vice President in US history.

Institutions and organizations smart people don’t trust anymore:
-The media
-the FBI
-the DOJ
-the IRS
-COVID scientists
-medical associations
-scientific associations & journals
-bond rating agencies
-environmental scientists
-woke corporate America
-teacher’s unions…
Feel free to add to this growing list.

September 18, 2024

Today is September 18th, and Kamala Harris is the WORST Vice President in US history.

See More
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