An eye opening experience I had as a young Secret Service agent was the experiences I had as the “press agent.”
Newer agents on the president’s detail are assigned to babysit the press because that’s where you’ll do the least damage if you screw something up. I would sit with them all day on trips and fly back home on the “press plane” with them.
Some conclusions I drew from many hours and days of immersion with them:
1) Most of them are genuine imbeciles. Their conversations ranged from absurd to ignorant, to downright ridiculous.
2) They love to stand in judgment of others but, in the pre-cell phone camera era, they would engage in some of the worst debauchery you’ve ever seen on those planes. They’re really a disgusting group of people.
3) Most of them really despise Americans who actually work for a living. They consider themselves part of a community of knighted aristocrats and they look down on the people they’re supposed to cover.
I saw it. And you should treat these losers with the respect they deserve, meaning none at all.