Today is my last show.
It’s been the honor of a lifetime to have the privilege of being on your radios, your phones, and in your homes, for a few hours each day.
It’s not easy to keep it together as I type this.
Please tune in to the last podcast on Rumble at 11A and allow me to say a proper goodbye.
I’ll see you all on the other side.
Good morning Bongino Army!! I'm sadden this morning as I'll miss the last live show from Dan, I'll have to watch it on VOD. I'm attending the funeral of a family member who passed this week. Dan I wish you well on your new appointment as we need you to help correct our government, so go get it done! I will contine to watch and suppot Silverloch media and the new hosts, Evita, Vince and Hayley. So, hang in there Dan. You, Kash and Pam Bondi can clean this mess up!!!