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Happy bittersweet Friday, Bongino Army! LFG!!! 🇺🇲🔥🇺🇲❤️‍🔥🇺🇲💪🇺🇲💥🇺🇲

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November 04, 2024
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JOIN US on Election Night live at 7:30p ET for full coverage!
See you there.

October 18, 2024
Paula and I react to the Trump interview!

Today is my last show.
It’s been the honor of a lifetime to have the privilege of being on your radios, your phones, and in your homes, for a few hours each day.
It’s not easy to keep it together as I type this.
Please tune in to the last podcast on Rumble at 11A and allow me to say a proper goodbye.
I’ll see you all on the other side.


It might be 12 years.... think about it.

These appointments typically are 10 year, or until a new POTUS comes in and fires everyone - that'd be 4 years for Dan Bongino (unless he retires early).

Should JD Vance run and win, after POTUS Trump, I think we'll see JD asking Dan Bongino to 'stay on' in his position, or take another cabinet position. (I'd be 80 by then, probably be with the Lord in heaven)

I'd rather have Dan in government, continuing on setting things back in order, than on a Podcast & Radio show.
I'd be a peaceful thought to pass on a trustworthy governing body to my kids, instead of what the Biden & Obama admins left us.

You're amazing, Dan!

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